Self-Monitoring and Compliance Reporting

Monitoring and reporting is not only a good idea when operating a project that has potential environmental impacts.
Monitoring and reporting is not only a good idea when operating a project that has potential environmental impacts; it is also a mandatory requirement of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

There are two main types of compliance monitoring: Self-Monitoring and Compliance Monitoring Report.

A self-monitoring report narrates the quarterly environmental performance of the project in terms of compliance with the water, air, and hazardous waste standards set by DENR. This report must be submitted to the DENR quarterly, or the proponent of the project could receive a notice of violation.

A compliance monitoring report’s main purpose is to show to the DENR how the environmental mitigation and monitoring plan previously submitted during the ECC process is working. This report is submitted to the DENR semi-annually.

Triple i’s environmental consultants can assist companies in site inspection, environmental testings, compliance report preparation, as well as act as the company’s representative to DENR.

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