Pollution Control Cases

Companies or individuals that are either reported for violation or found lacking a license or permit during a regular inspection by DENR shall be issued a notice of violation.

Companies or individuals that are either reported for violation or found lacking a license or permit during a regular inspection by DENR shall be issued a notice of violation. A technical conference will be held to inspect the effects of the violation and severity of damages it has inflicted.

The Pollution Adjudication Board was created as a quasi-judicial body to process violators of the various environmental laws of the Philippines. The board is formed under the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-EMB) and overseen by DENR’s secretary and undersecretaries.

Triple i Consulting understands the importance of dealing with pollution cases for organisations. Our environmental consulting team can assist during the inspection and sampling stage to help determine if there should be penalties and fines to be imposed, and the severity of those penalties. Triple i works quickly with the EMB to resolve any pending case and have it cancelled, terminated, or dismissed as necessary.

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