Industry Resources

The Philippines had the highest GDP growth rate in Asia last year, reaching 7.2% as of 2013. This has showcased the vast investment opportunities in the country. Many of the consumer and retail markets have impressive growth, while IT and real estate are forging ahead as well.

With such investment opportunities, Triple i Consulting can help your company establish and grow in the Philippines. Working very closely with government agencies such as DTI, BOI, and PEZA, Triple i advises organizations, coming up with dynamic feasibility studies and marketing reports based on the reality of the market. This enables clients to have real local insight – whether for opening a small outsourcing office or investing in large bio-ethanol projects – allowing each client to implement their projects with exceptional speed. Our understanding of the regulatory procedures means that each client understands the exact timelines needed to accomplish certain stages of their projects.

Services Offered

Information on Markets

Industry Reports are prepared as a short introduction to various industries for investment in the Philippines. Triple i Consulting is working to publish more free investment studies. These outline the current state of certain markets and the expected global demand for those industries in the coming years, advantages for investment, potential opportunities, and cost of business. For specific projects, Triple i also prepares custom-tailored reports for each client.

Government Offices

The Philippines government is a bureaucratic system of offices designed to monitor and regulate specified areas of development. Each office has its own set of rules and procedures on how to interact with their agency.

Licensing Bodies

There are multiple types of business licenses granted to different industries. Some of these are sought from the national government, while others are procured on a local level. A list of specific business industries require additional licensing, on top of the usual licenses granted by the local government.

Foreign Investment Act

The Philippine government passed the foreign investment act in 1991 to outline the protections granted to foreigners intending to do business in the country. The foreign investment act also allowed for the creation of the foreign investment negative list (FINL), which clearly states which areas of business are restricted or limited from foreign participation.

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