
“To help international and domestic companies recognize the Philippines as a premiere investment destination, and to be the biggest omnifaceted consulting service provider in the ASEAN region in 2021.”


“To provide the highest quality business consulting in the Philippines to all clients who seek it.”

Core Values

The Company has acknowledged, with high esteem, the significance of the role of its employees. As such, all employees shall observe standards of good behavior to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and to safeguard his/her rights in consonance with the following general principles and core values:

  1. Customer focus: understanding, agreeing and satisfying the needs of both internal and external clients
  2. Integrity – doing “what is right”
  3. Personal and social responsibility: commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees
  4. Teamwork: together everyone achieves more, sharing the same values
  5. Non-disclosure of confidential information (Triple i’s intellectual property rights, expertise and trade secrets shall be controlled and protected; disclosure of any confidential information on the matter is strictly prohibited)
  6. Respect for his/her superiors and co-employees
  7. A genuine sense of responsibility to one’s job by performing one’s assigned tasks with the highest degree of excellence and professionalism towards reaching the assigned sales quota
  8. Wholehearted effort to uphold safety everywhere, at all times
  9. One’s position or role in the Company shall not be used for personal gain
  10. Reasonable or judicious use of Company facilities and resources within the limits as established by company policy, rules and regulations

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