Bureau of Immigration: Annual Registration of Foreigners Starts

January 18, 2017
Silhouetted figures at an airport with the Bureau of Immigration seal in the center.

Is has been put in effect by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) on its recently released Annual Report of 2017, that all foreign immigrants shall report in person to the BI main office at Intramuros, Manila, or to their nearest BI offices, within the first sixty (60) days of every calendar year. The said AR 2017 shall be held from January 3rd till March 3rd of 2017.

There are, however, exemptions for personal appearances provided that the immigrant (a) personally appeared in at least one of the Annual Reports held in 2014, 2015, or 2016 with an accomplished AR form; (b) presentment of official receipt of latest Annual Report Fee paid; (c) payment of Php 500.00 express lane for non-appearance; (d) presentment of a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) with valid government-issued ID of legal representative; (e) presentment of a valid passport; and lastly, (f) undertaking to fulfill obligations (in case of immigrants with CA 613 and/or RA 562 related liabilities).

Moreover, foreign immigrants under fourteen (14) years of age shall be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians, as failure to conform shall result to enforcement of administrative fine and/or imprisonment, under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Immigration.

Reporting immigrants shall present (a) original ACR i-card and (b) confirmation number issued via AR 2017 online system, for those who failed to complete AR 2014-2016 online form. However, foreign immigrants returning to the Philippines with permits of re-entry shall, if yet to be required to report, report still within thirty (30) days from his return to the Philippines, without fines.

It was also made clear by the Bureau of Immigration that all Native-born Indonesians, with paper based Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) are required to appear in person, under the Memorandum order No. AFFJR-05-003 in Southern Mindanao for the updating of registration records (IOO section XIII K).

The implementation of the 2017 Annual Report is structured on the 2016 Annual Report Guidelines.

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