General Information Sheet – A Mandatory Compliance with the SEC

August 18, 2014
SEC Philippines Logo

The General Information Sheet (GIS) is a document that must be submitted on a yearly basis by every company registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in the Philippines.

Domestic Corporation must submit the GIS to the SEC within 30 calendar days from the annual stockholders meeting while Foreign Companies must submit within 30 days calendar days from the anniversary of the SEC Registration date. If companies fail to comply with this requirement the correspondent penalties will be assessed.

If prior to those dates there are any changes in the capital, structure, ownership and address of the company, a GIS must be prepared and submitted to the SEC reflecting these amendments.

Here is the information needed before submitting a GIS.

– Company name
– Date of registration with the SEC
– SEC registration number
– Corporate Tax Identification Number
– Exact address of each directors along with their nationality and TIN number
– Fiscal year end
– Date of the annual meeting as per by-laws
– Actual date of the annual meeting
– Complete principal office address
– Name of external Auditor (for the Annual Financial Statement)
– Primary purpose / activity
– Email address
– Phone number

Unaware about the procedure and the deadlines, a large number of companies failed to provide the GIS to the SEC. Triple i and its experts can assist your company during this and other regulatory compliance with the SEC and other governmental entities.

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