How to Renew your Business Permits in the Philippines?

December 1, 2016

All the companies in the Philippines are required to renew its business permits every year. Domestic Corporations and foreign owned companies such as Branch or Representative office are no exception.

2017 is no different and while this is not a new compliance, it is always important to emphasize that it is mandatory for all the companies operating in the Philippines in order to continue its normal business activities.

In fact, companies that fail to renew its business permits will be imposed penalties and eventually will have its permits to operate removed by the local government unit (LGU) where it operated. While the deadline for this year has not yet been announced, we expect that January 20 will remain as the key date.

Several local taxes to be paid, uncountable documents from your company, office space, and also your employees should be provided. One could imagine how can this easily become an incredibly time consuming and tedious process. Gathering documents, queuing among thousands of other business owners and filling forms is something that you certainly want to avoid.

With over 75 business permits renewed in 2016, our level of expertise is crucial to ensure that companies have a flawless process when renewing its local business licenses.

Please contact one of our consultants today and let us streamline this project.

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