The New Normal Requires New HR Policies – Covid-19 Philippines

April 27, 2020
Person with mask on laptop in bubble, surrounded by virus particles.

As Enhanced Community Quarantine is extended in Metro Manila and other Major Metros, while the rest of the country is placed on General Community Quarantine it’s clear the work environment will never be the same.

Whether it is the restriction of the movement of your employees, the fear of your staff at the uncertainty, or your customers’ habits changing overnight, all businesses are feeling the pandemic.

Even as Metro Manila looks forward to hopefully seeing a relaxing on May 15th to a GCQ as well, work conditions will be significantly impacted.  Whether your industry falls into Manufacturing, BPO, E-commerce, or any other there will be impacts in your staff coming back to the office when they are allowed to.

As information comes out from the Department of Labor and the Inter-Agency Task Force how the rules of GCQ will be applied, businesses will have to shape their HR policies to adjust to the new normal.

If employees are on a continuous work from home basis, how do you award leave and should unused be converted to cash?

Should internet and electrical expenses be re-reimbursed?

These are only some of the issues companies are tackling as they begin to pick up the pieces and adjust to the new normal facing organizations today.

If your company requires assistance in crafting new HR policies in response to Covid or legal and labour questions, please feel free to contact us at info@tripleiconsulting.

Stay Healthy and Safe.


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