Environmental Compliance in the Philippines

March 7, 2013

The whole world is facing the great challenge in the field of economic development and environmental protection nowadays. We need to support the unending needs and wants of the growing human population and only our existing environment can sustain that. But despite of the growing economy, our environment is rapidly degrading. Due to this conflict, the principle of sustainability arises. The Presidential Decree 1586 also known as The Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System that was enacted and implemented on 1978 by the Marcos Administration aimed to maintain balance between socio- economic development and environmental protection and attain sustainability. Before establishing project development in the country, several compliance must meet. The Environmental Impact Assessment process must be accomplished and the following documents must be secured.

ECC or Environmental Compliance Certificate

Before establishing the project, the company must perform Environmental Impact assessment. The possible impact predicted during the Environmental Impact Assessment should be properly mitigated if not prevented. Afterwards, the IEE Checklist, IEE Report or EIS must be submitted to the DENR- EMB. If the project is approve, the DENR EMB will issue the Environmental Compliance Certificate.

Certificate of Non- Compliance

If the area is not exceeding 1 hectare, and will not cause adverse impact in the environment, Project Description Report must be submitted. It should contain the environmental management system to be implemented.

The law is not discouraging developments in the country but it do set limitations for the utilization of the natural resources.

Triple i Consulting Inc. and its environmental team have handled hundreds of different environmental compliance concerns. Contact Us for more information.

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