FDA Philippines Secures Safety of Toys through Registration

November 18, 2013

Toy is any article played both humans and animals. It is used in an entertainment way of training the young or even old life of the society.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines, a toy may pose real and serious risk or harm when these three things are present:

    • The toy contains hazardous material;
    • The child becomes sensitive to the hazardous material; and
    • The child is exposed to the hazardous material

As of to date, the FDA issued License to Operate to approximately 135 toy manufacturers, importers, and distributors. These licensed establishments have also been mandated by the FDA to acquire Certificate of Conformity for the toys to be marketed or to be sold within the country. Certificate of Conformity is handed to legitimate toy enterprises which are assiduous in securing that the toys they deliver to the market are free from toxic materials are which are safe.

The FDA ensures that the Filipino market is free from harm or any serious risk of toxic metals produced from toys by going around the vicinity to collect samples and to analyze the products. Toy and game safety act has also been put into law and has been signed by the President Benigno Aquino last September 6, 2013. Necessary sanctions shall be applied to the person(s) violating the law. Such penalties will be applied:

    • Fine of 500,000 php;
    • All products will be seized and their establishments will be closed down;
    • Subject to imprisonment of not more than ten (10) years.
    • If the offender is a manufacturer, distributor or importer of unregistered toy products the maximum fine imposable is five (5) million php and imprisonment of not more than ten (10) years.

Moreover, the FDA advises the public of the additional tips that should be put into consideration:

    • Breakability of the parts that may lead to aspiration and aspiration;
    • Plastics with phthalates which can damage endocrine system or disrupt its functions;
    • Flammability that can cause burns;
    • Toxic paints with heavy metals that can lead to chronic poisoning.

The FDA Philippines is also in coordination with the Local Government Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, and Bureau of Customs to assure the safety of health and welfare of the consumers by ensuring that the toys penetrating the market passed the FDA standard and with Certificate of Compliance.

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