Let us Fight Global Warming through Environmental Awareness and Compliance

February 4, 2013
Environmental Business

We are now experiencing our actions’ consequences – Global Warming. It is caused by pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. As you are reading this article, you are exhaling carbon dioxide together with the rest of the population. Seven billion people breathing out carbon dioxide all at the same time, industrial revolution and deforestation, together creates the greenhouse effect which causes global warming. It disrupts nature’s normal process and like a domino effect, messes up the whole cycle.

In the Philippines, implementation of environmental laws and regulations are being strengthened as a response to these issues. This is through the combined participation of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippine Economic Zone Authority and other non-government organizations. Several permitting requirements are being mandated by these government agencies to every establishments and operations in the country. This is for them to be responsible for their operations and its impact to the environment. Below are the commonly mandated permitting requirements:

  • Water:

Discharge Permit – for operations that discharge liquid waste to bodies of water.

  • Air:

Permit to Operate – for operations which use equipment that emits air pollutants such as Nitrous Oxides, Sulfur Oxides and Carbon.

  • Land:

Hazardous Waste Generator’s ID – for operations that generate hazardous wastes which needs proper transport, storage and treatment prior to disposal.

A quarterly monitoring report is also submitted to the department showing the activities of the operation with regards to the mandated permitting requirements. This is to check and assure the operations’ compliance. Pre-requisite to these permits is the Environmental Compliance Certificate and/or Certificate of Non Coverage whichever is applicable to the operation.

These permitting requirements might be all paperwork, but they really do help maintain nature’s normal process. If we can all be responsible, we can assure our young generation the lively nature they deserve.


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