How to Get an FDA Animal Feeds Certification

February 28, 2024

In the Philippines, the regulation of animal feeds and feed products falls under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Manufacturers, distributors, importers, exporters, wholesalers, and traders involved in producing and distributing these products must obtain certification from the FDA to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards. Below, we’ll detail the requirements and process of obtaining FDA certification for animal feeds and feed products.

Eligibility Criteria:

All manufacturers, distributors, importers, exporters, wholesalers, and traders of animal feeds and feed products are eligible to apply for FDA certification. Applicants must adhere to regulatory requirements and demonstrate their commitment to producing and distributing safe products for animal consumption.


The fees associated with obtaining FDA certification for animal feeds and feed products include a fee of PHP 500.00 and a 1% License Registration Fee (LRF). Additionally, applicants are required to pay PHP 510.00 as per Administrative Order No. 50 s. 2001.


  1. Notarized Letter of Intent: A letter of intent must be provided stating that the product (finished or ingredient) is intended solely for animal use or to manufacture finished feeds and feed products. The letter should also declare that the product will never be used to produce food ingredients and food for human consumption. The owner must sign the letter with a Tax Identification Number (TIN).
  2. Proforma Invoice: A proforma invoice detailing the transaction of the animal feeds or feed products must be submitted.
  3. Certificate of Feed Registration: A valid Certificate of Feed Registration issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) is required.
  4. Payment: The prescribed fees must be paid by the regulations set forth by the FDA.


  1. Submission of Requirements: Applicants must submit all required documents to the Public Assistance, Information, and Receiving (PAIR) Unit, Room 10, from 8 am to 5 pm, Mondays to Fridays (excluding holidays). For applicants located in the provinces, submissions can be made through the respective Center for Health Development (CHD) offices covering that area. The FDA supervisor or delegated officer from each regional office is authorized to approve and sign the certification.
  2. Assessment and Payment: An assessment slip must be completed, along with proof of payment, and submitted to the PAIR officer. A unique Document Tracking Number (DTN) will be provided for traceability.
  3. Certification Issuance: Once the application is processed and approved, the pre-formatted certification will be prepared for approval by the Center Officer-in-Charge. The certification will be released the following business day at the Central Releasing area. Applications submitted on a Friday or the day preceding a holiday will be released on the next working day.

Obtaining FDA certification for animal feeds and feed products in the Philippines is essential for ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards.

Is Assistance Available?

For assistance with the FDA certification process for animal feeds and feed products, Triple i Consulting offers expert guidance and support. With a wealth of experience and a track record of satisfied clients, Triple i Consulting can provide invaluable assistance in navigating regulatory requirements and ensuring a smooth certification process.

Schedule an initial consultation with one of Triple i Consulting’s FDA experts through any of the channels below:


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