Securing LLDA Clearance

May 23, 2013

Laguna de Bay is a large shallow freshwater body in the heart of Luzon Island. It has many beneficial uses such as transport route, industrial cooling, reservoir for flood water, irrigation, power generation, and fisheries. Due to the influx of industries around the area lake, the water quality becomes poor, thus affecting fishing industries and even the surrounding community. On May 2012, almost 10 metric tons of dead tilapia was recovered from lake because of the poor water quality.

To protect the lake from rapid degradation, the Laguna Lake Development Authority requires all developers within the geographical jurisdiction of LLDA to acquire clearance or legal authorization granted by the mentioned authority. The LLDA Clearance is a one time permit to be secured after the issuance of ECC/ CNC unless the project undergoes expansion in terms of production. On the other hand, the following are grounds for exemption in securing LLDA clearance:

  • Project established on 1976 but not ceased operations for a period of 2 consecutive years.
  • Has not expanded in terms of production output/ new product/ areas of coverage/ number of heads/ etc.
  • Do not process/ use/ store toxic and hazardous substance

Do you or your company have an LLDA clearance? Start complying now. Our company, Triple i Consulting, and our team of experts in the field of environmental compliance will be happy to help you with the permitting requirements.  Please contact us for more information.

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