Self-Monitoring Report Series: Air Pollution 101

March 11, 2013
Environmental Business

Air pollution is all around us.  Sometimes, we can smell it but most of the time, we don’t.  The Republic Act 8749, also known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999,  is “an act providing for a comprehensive air pollution control policy and for other purposes.”  To strengthen the said act, manufacturing plants or any establishments that generate significant amount of air emissions must submit a monitoring report on the list of the Air Pollution Source Equipment (APSE), its relevant control facility, actions been done to minimize or eliminate pollution and the measurement of the emissions.

This report is as part of the quarterly Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) which is being submitted by the establishment to the regional offices of DENR.

The first table to be filled out is a summary of APSE and its corresponding location and the number of hours of its operations.  A separate table is intended for fuel burning equipment with details on its location in the facility, the kind of fuel being used, the quantity consumed and the number of hours of its operation.  Details of the pollution control facility must also be provided such as the location and also the number of operating hours.

Air Pollution Module Chart

Air Pollution Module Chart 2

Air Pollution Module Chart 3

Air pollutants must also be treated prior to releasing them to the atmosphere and it is the establishment’s responsibility.  A section in this module is allotted for inputs on the cost treatment of air covering three months or one quarter such as the salary of the person employed for treatment, total consumption of water in cubic meters, total cost of chemicals used, total consumption of electricity, administrative and overhead costs, cost of operating in-house laboratory (if any), etc.

Air Pollution Cost Treatment Chart

The detailed results of air emissions monitoring must also be provided in the last table.

Deatiled Repot on Air Emissions Form

Our company, Triple i Consulting, Inc. helps clients go through the understanding and preparation of SMR.  We are based in Makati City and would love to talk to you regarding your environmental needs.  Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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